The Inter-School Horse Show series (ISHS) offers equestrians in grades 5-12 the opportunity to compete as a team and represent their schools in the show ring. Since horse back riding is not a traditional school sport, you will likely have questions about how it all works. On this page, you'll find basic information about the series that will help your school get started.
Please see our Rules for more detailed information about how our show series works, and feel free to contact us with any questions you may have along the way. We look forward to having you and your school compete in the ISHS!
All your questions answered in under four minutes. Click to watch.
The first step to starting a team is to talk to your Athletic Director. We have found that most schools are excited to offer horseback riding as either a club or a varsity sport, so talk to your Athletic Director to determine how riding can be integrated into your school's athletic program.
The level of school involvement varies from school to school. Most of our schools that now offer riding as a varsity sport began as clubs, and that can be a good way for new schools to start. The ISHS allows schools to participate as either teams or clubs, and we do not need proof of school support.
Riding is typically an individual sport, but the ISHS gives riders the unique opportunity to compete as a team. Our shows are organized similarly to traditional Hunter shows, with a few exceptions to allow for teams to compete.
We one show a month for Varsity and JV. Varsity and JV shows are held on the same day, but are still considered two separate shows. Varsity shows are for more experienced riders, and JV shows are for riders who are new to the sport or who have less horse show experience.
Teams can be made up of any number of students.
As many riders from each team as you want can compete in a show.
JV riders can compete in one (1) division per show.
Novice and Intermediate Varsity riders can compete in one (1) division per show.
Varsity riders can compete in one (1) division and The Equitation Medal Class.
The Equitation Medal Class is a more challenging over fences class that we offer to Varsity riders.
Individual points are combined to award Show Champion and Reserve Champion teams
Classes are pinned individually and Champion and Reserve Champion ribbons are awarded for each division.
Ribbon placements are assigned a point value. The points an individual earns in his or her classes are combined with the points his/ her teammates earn in their classes. We use the team's collective points to determine the Champion and Reserve Champion schools for each show, and combine the points each team earns throughout the year to award team end of the year awards.
For more info about the points, see our Rules page.
Each team must have a coach on-site for every show
Teams must have a coach on-site at each show in which they are competing. The coach must be an adult who has adequate riding/ show experience so that he/ she can assist the riders.
Riders who do not have a coach present will be provided a coach for a fee. If you need a coach, make sure your indicate this on your entry form. All coaches must sign in with the show secretary when they arrive to the show.
Riders are required to submit a Lesson Verification Form with their entry forms to show that the rider is enrolled in a lesson program. See our Rules page for more information and see our Forms page to download the Lesson Verification Form.
No horse? No problem! Click to watch.
Unlike traditional horse shows, riders to do not need to have their own horse or tack in order to compete in ISHS. Riders are allowed to compete on their own horses, and riders who do not have their own horses can lease one from the host barn at each show. Click here for more information on leasing a horse.
Display your school spirit on your saddle pad!
All riders must wear ASTM-SEI Certified helmets when mounted.
Riders are required to wear proper Hunter attire when competing and all riders must wear wear ASTM-SEI certified hard hats while mounted. Click here for more information on show attire.
For each show, entry fees and forms are due by the Sunday evening one week before the show date.
Each school must have a contact person's name, phone number and email on their entry.
One Lesson Verification Form per rider must be submitted in September and a new one in January
Late entries will be assigned a late fee.
Click here for Lesson Verification Form.
Click here for more information on pricing and fees.
Click here for show dates.